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The Hispanic Minority

      Usually I do not speak about issues that are populated on the news, but as of late, I have been called "white privileged" by someone who was supposed to be near and dear to my heart. I am 100% with, and for the movement of equality for minority groups, as I am one with the minority. I disagree with one aspect of the movement that is currently happening, and that is the violent nature. Due to this view, I was called "white privileged".  This statement highly confused me, because... well... as a Latina... I am not white. So, I took an educational turn, and decided to inform myself as to how the term would relate to me.         White privilege is defined as: inherent advantages possessed by a white person on the basis of their race in a society characterized by racial inequality and injustice.      As I read the definition, I paused, because well, I do not fit this definition. It is important when talking about emotional topics such as this, that you

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