Let God Write Through You
Since I like to write so much, I like to watch how different people journal so I am not doing the same exact thing every single day. A year ago I found out about morning pages and I thought, huh, this could be interesting. From what I saw, people would write from their stream of consciousness, for three whole pages. Every morning, as soon as they wake up. I did it for some time, but then I lost interest.
The idea of morning pages came from the author Julia Cameron who wrote the book the Artists Way. I never purchased the book, because it was filled with art, and not only do I not paint and draw extensively, but getting into another crafting hobby is an expense I cannot take haha.
I was wandering back into the world of morning pages, and I found a speech that Julia Cameron had made. That speech is linked in the text. The way that she spoke about how she came to be a best selling writer, through morning pages, took writing into a whole new perspective for me. Morning pages is not just writing what comes to mind in the morning on a piece of paper. It is a time to allow God to come into your life right when you wake up.
You can call upon God to write through you. What Julia Cameron does, is she prays, pours her stream of consciousness on the paper, it turns into a conversation where God is guiding you. Ideas that you haven't thought of, and would have never thought of can unfold. Your mind can become unblocked, and you can create more than you ever have created! Morning pages are therapeutic, God connecting, and creativity jolting all in the matter of 20 minutes.
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