Why Self-Care is More than Just a Picturesque Bubble Bath

Image result for real self care 
If you read my blog often, you know that I am definitely not in support of the "Instagramable" fake self-care. That is, taking a pretty bubble bath, posting it on social media, watching a new show or movie, not going on your phone besides posting your bubble bath, and posting the fact that you are on a self-care night. No. That is NOT all that self-care is. Here is the link to that post if you have not read it: http://thedaily-eileen.blogspot.com/2018/12/the-hoax-on-social-media-body.html Actually, to be quite frank with you, I never ever post when I am caring for myself. I care for myself more often than anyone even knows. I do not devote one day a week to this beautiful bubble bath lifestyle. I do it every single day.

Self-care is not just this easy, relaxation technique.  Self-care is actually difficult. It is a challenge to yourself. So I will tell you some ways as to how I actually perform self care.
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1.  Wind down: The first step is to  relax. In order to care for yourself every night you probably need to wind down from the long and dreadful day that you have had. Do some yoga, meditate, and really just be mindful. Let go of what has bothered you, and bring in only the relaxation and positivity. Read a book, take the bath, go for a walk, watch the movie. Write what it is that you are grateful for. But do not just rattle off things that you are grateful for like a checklist. Really think about it, what really made you happy today? Write it down. Really embrace it and think, "If I did not wake up today? How would I have felt? If that person did not say hi to me, how would my attitude for the day have changed?"

2. Evaluate/Reflect: Now that you are relaxed, you should be ready to evaluate what is going on. Why are you upset? Why are you angry? Why are you stressed? Is there something that you can and should do in order to change those things? Are there people you need to stop talking to? Is there a job you need to leave? Are your actions the wrong ones in what ever scenario is happening? Are you declining instead of inclining to the life you want? Are you thinking about your future? Are you doing what is needed to make your future better and happy? What changes do you need to make in order to manifest everything you want in life? Personally, I believe that this is where utilizing a journal is helpful. These are all great reflection questions to use, to sit down, and really think about what is going on in your life. What was that thing that upset you today? Write that down, evaluate it. Was it worth getting upset over? Do you need to fix how you take on other people's problems with out thinking about your own? Sit with yourself and challenge your thoughts. Challenge yourself. Come to a new understanding with yourself. 

3. Action: Now that you have reflected and really thought about what the issue was, how are you going to act on it? Make yourself the priority, and act on your thoughts. If you do not want to be friends with that person anymore, break off the friendship. If you over think too much, when the time comes that you are doing it, tell yourself no, stop, and lets do something else. Something more positive and productive. Am I being ungrateful today? How can I change that. Am I always miserable. How can I stop that. Challenge yourself even further and put those thoughts into legitimate actions. Go and get that job, save your money, try and stop your spending addiction, pay your debt. Do whatever ever it is that you thought about that would make your life better.

Always remember that you must manifest what it is that you want. If you throw good energy, and intentions in the air, the universe will throw that right back at you. If you are negative all of the time, more negativity will just come your way. The work that you put into something shows, and in the end, the return will match that. Be who it is what you want to be. Evaluate how you can get there, and do just that! I know you can do it :)
