The Negativity Contagion
Say one morning you wake up and you are super happy. You woke up with a smile, and you are ready to KILL IT today. You get all ready for a day of work, you go to to work, and your co-worker is just so angry. They start giving you an attitude, because they are not in the best mood. Now you are starting to feel that negative rage. You start to embody it, feel it, and then you become it over time.
The negativity does not end with you. You start to give your other co-workers attitudes now b, because you felt that energy, which led you to become that energy. You come home from work. You give your loved ones and friends that same attitude, because you do not just leave that kind of energy at work. Your loved ones and friends get that negative attitude, they feel it, they embody it, and the cycle goes on.
Negativity is this long cycle that is so strong, that it can turn anyone who is having a great day into being stuck in a negative slope. But have you ever felt like you are just overall surrounded by negativity? The people you surround yourself with is constantly in that loop of "my life is trash", and have no intentions to see past it? That life is just trash, God is out there to hurt you, there are no good people in this world. All of the sudden out of no where you are stuck in this negative attitude that you cannot seem to get yourself out of.
There are going to be people out there who are negative. Who will bring you down. Who will suck all of the goodness out of you. This is the time when you have to stop and think. What is it that is making me feel like I am in such a rut? Where is this coming from? Once you find that where, or why, you need to cut it out of your life as soon as possible. If that means getting rid of all of your friends, then you NEED to do it for yourself.
When you are stuck in that negativity cycle, that is when anxiety of the past and future, and depressive thoughts enter in your life. You as a person do not need to feel like you are stuck. You do not need to feed off of that energy, if the core of your being is of a light nature. If you want to spread a positive light, but become stuck in this endless cycle, instead of spreading light, you are spreading darkness.
It is better to have 1 really good friend who brings you up, then to have 10 that cannot give you the time of day, and bring you down. I can count my close friends on one hand. This is intentional. I used to have so many friends. But were they really my friends? NO. Once I got rid of all of the negative people in my life, and saved those who were good, I started to find more people who are good. My entire attitude changed. Instead of waking up and saying "oh great, another day I have to get through", I started thinking "what is one great thing I can achieve today?".
That kind of attitude on life is given out into the universe. The universe always gives back what you put out. After I changed my attitude, and my ways, I started finding more friends who want to give out light and attract light as well. Before I knew it, all the negativity was long gone. I was no longer stuck in a place where I could not move, grow, or breathe. I made myself my accountability, I trusted myself, spent time with myself, and worked on my wrongs.
Negativity is like a transferable disease. It is so easy to catch, but so hard to get rid of. Just as much as negativity is this infectious disease, positivity is a breath of fresh air. It is something that everyone with the negativity disease thirsts for. When your old group of friends sees how you broke from their chain, worked on yourself, and now you are breathing in and out all the light in life. They will thirst for it too. They will message you saying, "what on earth did you do to become so happy? I want that in my life!!!".
Positivity is the cure to negativity. No one wants the horrible negative illness, so they look for that positive cure. Remember that there is more to life than the quantity of people that are in your circle. Quality over quantity is the way for everything. You do not have to feel like you are stuck. You do not have to feel like the world is awful. You do not have to feel like you just have to get through another day. You do not have to feel like you are not enough. There is SO much more in store for you.
Find that positivity, find your why, and hold on to that for dear life. Come back to your center of why, and do not become stuck. It might be painful at first, but change happens when it hurts. Change happens when it is hard. Change happens in the most difficult of times. Change is better than standing still. Live your life filled with love and happiness, not with hate and disdain. Be who you were intended to be, and you will be able to not only change yourself, but help change people who are around you.
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