Black-Eyed Children


As I know a lot about the paranormal and all things scary, not that many things actually scare me. But black-eyed children is one of those topics that I really really really hope is just not real at all. Even looking at the picture above, I get so scared. I was researching more about these children while at work (specifically as a receptionist at night at a church) and I got so scared that I peaked through all doors before opening them. But is the black-eyed children topic a real phenomenon or a hoax? You will just have to read to find out.

I first learned about black-eyed children while stumbling across a Shane Dawson YouTube video about them (I miss his conspiracy videos deeply). Then some of the other YouTubers that I watch have briefly mentioned them as well. So I decided, why not look into this topic more myself and allow myself to conjure up an opinion on these seriously creepy kids.

Well, if we are going to decide whether or not this phenomenon is true, we need to know who they are first. Black-eyed children are said to be below the age of 16, and they seem to be completely normal. Everything about them, their structure their manor all seem to be perfectly typical. Until you see their not-so-typical eyes. When you look into their eyes, you see absolutely nothing but utter blackness, no pupil, no iris, no schlera, nothing. They are seen in either normal or old-fashioned clothes, and are said to be known for talking a bit too mature for their own age.

How do people usually encounter them? They are said to be outside of your house (door) or your car, they often seem to look lost, or in need of serious help. They are persistent with trying to be let in to either location of where you encounter them. Most eye-witnesses say that they feel this ungraspable fear, even before looking into their dark, dark, eyes. They have also said that these children flee as fast as they arrive. Some believe that these children use some sort of low hypnosis to persuade their victims to let them in, until they notice their eyes and then they flee.

One of the most famous journalists who have encountered black-eyed children is named Brian Bethel. Bethel encountered two black-eyed children outside of his car while running an errand.  Bethel claims that when he saw the two boys and was talking to him, he had this sudden urge of irrational fear. As he was about to open his car door, he saw the boys eyes and described them as "Soulless orbs like two great swaths of starless night". When he saw that he quickly made an excuse closed is somewhat cracked opened door and sped away. As he looked back into the rearview mirror, they vanished.

Since this claim in 1996, many people have claimed to have encounters with black-eyed children. But is this entity real? Well, I know one thing for sure. Whenever I look at a picture of black-eyed children, research it, or think about it I get a dark pit of bad feelings in my stomach. I have never looked at a picture or thought about something before and have felt this awfully scary pain in my stomach (besides looking at E.T. my only fear). I don't know if I am really qualified to say whether or not they are real. But what I do know is that I am very scared of ever having to encounter one, and I hope that is something I never have to do. By feeling an immense fear of just looking at pictures, I can only imagine how it feels to actually see those eyes and encounter these children in person.

Comment down below: have you seen or encountered any black-eyed children? Have you ever heard of these children before? Do you know anything more about these children that I haven't mentioned? Do you think this entity is real or just a hoax? Share this with your friends and family! Let's both spread an awareness that something this creepy can show up at your doorstep and let's try to have a serious conversation about this in the comments down below!
