Overcoming my Fear and Staring Something New

  Do you ever get this rush of wanting to do something new? The first time that thought pops into your head it's this huge and loud voice saying "YES, DO IT". But then after a while that voice dies down and you brush it off? You see, that is what happened to me.
     A few weeks ago I was asked to write about my mental heath story on this persons blog via. Instagram. Oh, the lovely social media. It was this huge step for me to take, sharing my story not only to one stranger, but probably many strangers! But after completing it and seeing my words on another person's blog, I thought to myself: "Hey... I kind of like this". You see, I always have A LOT to say, but I often struggle to find the time, the place, or even the right person to say what's on my mind.
    Unfortunately, as fast as that thought approached my head, it left my head faster. You see, I struggle with overthinking. So my thoughts of, "THIS WILL BE GREAT" turned into "this is not worth it, no one will read it, you're not interesting" and so on. But then I thought to myself, if I have a lot to say, someone out there must want to read it... right? So I searched YouTube videos of "How to make a blog for beginners". All of the sudden that sudden rush became bigger, it became a BURNING sensation, there was a fire inside of me. I also found out exactly how easy and free it was to start a blog to begin with. One thing led to another and then all of the sudden.... BAM! TheDaily-Eileen was created.
    I am assuming your next thought is "...well... what are you writing about?". This question was actually the easiest for me to answer. EVERYTHING. My topics will span from my every day life, being a college student, being a dog mom, mental health, becoming-being a teacher, books I've read, movies I've watched, the paranormal world, traveling, life EVERYTHING.
    Stay tuned for my next thought :)
