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     There are many different kinds of heart-break. Although in the moment, heart-break is the worst encounter to have, sometimes heart-break is what you need to build yourself up again. But, depending on what level or how the heart-break has come to you, will depend on how much self build up is needed. So, if you are someone like me, who loves everyone deeply and is an emotional human being due to great brain chemistry keep on reading. 

1. Ghosting-  This break up is probably one of the worst. I mean... what is worse than being with someone and then they just never talking to you ever again? Like they really just dropped off the face of this planet? Well, if you are reading this and you have been ghosted... you need to pick yourself up and keep on moving because if you're significant other did not have the decency to even speak to you, you probably shouldn't even be upset at this point. 
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2. The Stand-up- This is for the lovely people who are just to afraid to stand up out of life per say. They have an issue being with you, but they also just don't want to confront you. Nevertheless, they are as scared as scared can be (in other words, a coward). They will avoid talking to you. So, maybe you want to meet up with them for coffee but they will just make another lame excuse like: "my dog pooped and I have to clean it sorry can't come." My guess is... you probably deserve more than lame excuses and cowardliness. Do your thing, cry a bit, then realize you definitely deserve more. 
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3. The Mutual Split- Adulthood understanding stinks a little bit. At first, this is a painful split, like one of those tragic, "I love you but right now I can't" kind of ordeals which makes the other person hanging a little bit. Do you move on? Do you wait? What is it that you do? In this situation you both understand that right now the relationship is not working and your'e probably better off being friends. In this situation, you can cry, be angry, scream if that is what you want. But work on what ever it was that wasn't working and move on. What will be will be, whether they come back or not. So pick yourself up, and boogy on out of your sadness. 
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4. Being Blind Sided-  In this circumstance is one of those slap-in-the-face kinds of feelings. In this scenario, you don't really know that it is coming for you until it happens. The person doing the break up has felt this way for a long time but decided to not communicate with the other until they were fed up with things. This is a rough one, believe me I know. You need to pick yourself up, because apparently the relationship that you thought was happy maybe wasn't on the other end. Take your time to cry, do whatever it is you need to do. Then move on. A better person is coming for you. 
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5. The Complete Betrayal- Cheating by far, is one of the most disrespectful ways to break up with someone. If you don't like that person anymore, get up, and move on! You don't have to go about cheating with that person to ultimately end the relationship. This is probably one of the most hurtful break-ups out there. Being cheated on is no fun... I know! But, you were worth more than that cheating. No matter what the circumstance was. Do not think yourself to be any less than who  you are. Cry, drink some wine, eat some chocolate and do what you have to do to get up again!
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6. The Ego leverage- The Ego gets the best of all people. This kind of break up is usually over heated arguments like finances, careers or other important issues that can hurt someone's ego. The good things that come from this break up are lessons on how you could have ended things better, said things better, and just did things better in general. Unfortunately, egos are tricky and very high, instead of trying to mend anything you usually can't, the bridges were way too burnt to build up again. 
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7. The Ultimatum Breakup- This type of breakup occurs when ones self-interest takes over the collective interest as a whole... which then results in the ultimatum. There are signs that this kind of breakup will occur, such as if you and your partner don't see eye to eye in: getting married, having kids, moving in together, etc. The big problems tend to be the next step in the relationship issues. Ultimatums are the worst because you are asking your partner to conform or they will leave. That is not how life works, nor is it a great way to be. 

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8. The Circumstantial Breakup- This split is among the ones that are justifiable, but by far one of the most difficult to get over. This is when the two people still love each other, but a situation arises leading them to not be able to be together any longer. Such as: a new job, relocation, new school, cultural, social are all examples of why the split might happen.
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9. The Text Message- This is one of the lamest ways to breakup with someone. Although it really shouldn't be a type, sending a text to declare the end of your relationship is one form of ending things. But since we now live in the age where people live on their phones, no one knows how to breakup with someone in the right way. ***sigh*** technology.

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10. The Unclear Breakup- So, in this form, the person who is involved has no idea that they actually are not in a relationship anymore. Although the person doing the action of a breakup has informed every social media platform out there, they forgot to actually inform the person involved. Talk about confusing breakups....
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All in all, break ups are hard. Do whatever it is that you need, cry, scream, stay silent. But in the end, you need to take care of you and to make sure you are doing o.k.. Take yourself to the movies and a dinner date... it is definitive not weird at all to do that. Take yourself to places where you have not been but wish to go to. Do what ever it is that you need to get back on your feet, through the sea of unfortunate breakups you will encounter, you will find the person who is for you. 
