Bring God into Your Every Day Life

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Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God-this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by renewing your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Now I know what all of you are thinking already right now, "What? Bring God into our every day lives? Literally nobody has time for that!!" Well I am here to tell you why you should, and how you can bring God into your every day! Do you ever kind of notice that there is something lacking in people who are just always negative and mean all of the time? I mean I have been surrounded for years by people who are always just so negative, and that kind of energy really just takes a toll on other people. Then, those negative attitudes kind of just ruin your day, because lets face it, negativity ruins everyone's day. There is not one single person who can be happy on a fully negative day. But on the flip side of the token, if someone is spreading positivity, joy and happiness the receiver of that energy will have a better attitude. 

So, how do we as people try, and make sure that we are constantly fulfilling the need in this world to put in all this positivity? The Lord is the answer to that question. I mean if you really think about it, Jesus loves us, and died for us, even though we have the capability to be the most awful people in this world. But in contrast of that thought, Jesus died for us anyway and took that risk for us. That is a whole different kind of love, a love that I can't even really grasp because it baffles me. So, if you ever wake up and your all ready in a Mr. Crabs mood just remember that first of all, Jesus loves you. If you wake up and you think to yourself, "huh, I don't think I am enough for anyone, I don't even know why I am here anymore" well that is because Jesus loves you and wants you to be here. There is a lot of anger, negativity, and sadness in all of our day-to-day lives. But what people are forgetting, which is so very important, is that positivity, and kindness over rule all negating thoughts. But how can we be more positive?

Bring the Lord into your every day life! (Let's count how many times I have said that now XD) I get that it is not easy, I mean I go to college full time, I have 3 part time jobs, and I am a dog mom. So life for me is always on the move. But in those days, especially on the craziest and busiest of days, is where you really need God the most. I am not saying I am perfect at this because believe me I most definitely am not. But it is something that I work towards. So I try to read a little bit of my bible, whether it be I wake up a half an hour earlier, or read it a half an hour before bed. All you need is those thirty minutes, you can even do ten minutes if that is all you have the time for. Read the bible, read a devotional, hear a pod cast, listen to a sermon, listen to praise music, all of these things you can do to make sure you have spent time with God every day. Every time I am in the car I listen to worship music. On Monday mornings I am not afraid to crank up my K-Love radio, roll down my windows and belch out my window "I am not alone, I am not alone, you will go before me you will never leave me" (great song right there). Spending time with God, making sure you are praying, and just really taking time out of your craziness to input positivity into your life is crucial. 

Coincidentally as I had this post already thought out for today, I got a box in the mail which brings God to you monthly! This I really did not expect, it is funny how things work out. 

The box that I received is God's Glory Box. This is a box which is dedicated into bringing you God into your life once a month. They have a whole bunch of fun plans and what not too. But what really stuck out to me is that for every box shipped, 5 meals are donated. 5 meals, for every single box that is shipped. That is just amazing to me. Its not like one of those "we will donate a nickle to hunger for every water bottle buy" no. They donate 5 meals. Since this September, they have donated 400,000 meals. That again is just incredible to me. They even post the evidence of their donation on the website too which is cool. So, here is a picture of what was sent to me in the box:
The first thing that I pulled out of the box, which when I saw it I became over joyed. Not only because of what it is... COFFEE. But because its fair trade coffee. So not only are we not going to be Squidward minions due to the lack of coffee ingestion we could have had, but it is from a company who pays properly and fairly to those developing countries that it is coming from. So By drinking this coffee, you are legitimately making a difference in this world already. At the start of your day.

The second thing I pulled out was this book called "By Faith..." by LaVondilyn J Watson. This is an 8 steps of faith kind of book to make it through tough times. So this shows you how to stay close to faith while you are facing bumps in the road, which, oddly enough, I am facing a bump in my life right now. I might actually read a page of this every day to ensure I am getting my time with God considering how close to home this is!

The third and largest item was this awesome T-shirt! It has a quote from Isaiah saying "Uphold to the righteous hand", and I absolutely love wearing low-key religious apparel as it gives me an excuse to tell people about my faith when they ask me what my shirt means. It is kind of amazing, like an ambush XD SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS EVERYONE.

The fourth and final item I got was a code to an online e-book which I will most definitely be looking at. It is a thirty day tribute to thankfulness during the season of being thankful. All of these things are amazing ways to add God into your life little by little! They even include a little card with scripture!
I really think this box can really help and bring a little bit of Christ into your every day lives! The website is if you purchase the one month box and use the code daily-eileen5 you can get 5$ off or daily-eileen10 to get 10$ off any long term subscriptions! I am actually heavily thinking myself to get these boxes monthly!

That is all for now folks, keep praying, and smiling, because you deserve to be here. Remember, you are enough and you are loved!
